Sociopathic Liar

Sociopathic Liar
Sociopaths are defined as someone who lies continuously in an attempt to get their own way, without showing care or concern for others. Youdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of others don’t have a lot of respect for other’s feelings but are deadly charming and able to get your wayhave a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of othersdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of othersdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of othersdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of othersdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of others don’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and rights of otherdon’t have a lot of respect or regard for the feelings and righ

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